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If recycled paper and plastic products were not enough, Motorola has now launched a cellphone made from recycled plastic water bottles.
Called the MOTO W233 Renew, the mobile phone not only boasts plastic exterior made from recycled material, but also the device is the first "carbon neutral" phone, said the company.
"Through an alliance with, Motorola offsets the carbon dioxide required to manufacture, distribute and operate the phone through investments in renewable energy sources and reforestation," All Headlines News quoted Motorola as saying in a press release.
In fact, the box that contains the phone is also made from recycled material, according to the media release.
Another postage-paid box comes inside the package, which is also made from recycled paper, and can be used by customers to mail their old phones back to Motorola for recycling.
With nine hours of talk time, the phone includes other features like ChrystalTalk technology and messaging capabilities.
MOTO W233 Renew will hit the shelves during the first quarter of 2009 at T-Mobile stores.
Motorola unveiled the phone at the 2009 International CES in Las Vegas.
ONS (one night stand) and BPO (Beautiful People Only) are among the key phrases that Brits are using to bag nights of nookie.
Horny Brits are using a series of coded messages to arrange hot dates. And industry leaders believe that it is now a fully-fledged Web sex language.
Sex-starved housewives have advertised themselves as MBA (Married But Available) and W2SI (Willing To Slum It) in a cheap hotel.
"There is undoubtedly a massive community - both in the UK and globally - of people from all corners of society that want to meet like-minded individuals for fun with no strings attached," the Daily Star quoted Andy Hammonds, founder of, a new site for adults seeking sex without commitment, as saying.
"What we're seeing is the fact that this community is evolving fast and is choosing to communicate in an extremely direct way.
"They're arguably taking the anonymity that the Web offers and making best use of the technology to get what they want," Hammonds added.
Among other key phrases are ONO (One Night Only) and W2T (Willing To Travel).
Get ready for a supercar that could reach a top speed of 155mph without harming the environment, for it runs on wind energy.
Designed in California, the environmentally friendly Formula AE car will initially use a solar-powered battery to move, but later depend upon the airflow around it to power a turbine.
The high performance car will take less than four seconds to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph.
The car is expected to cost around 100,000 pounds when it hits the market.
The two-seater's bodywork boasts paper-thin solar panelling that could fully charge the battery in just 1.5 hours.
However, this time will be reduced to just six minutes with a new prototype battery.
A full battery would enable the drivers to cover more than 200 miles or to race around a track for at least an hour.
An advanced alternating current induction motor with a power output of 212 kilowatts will propel the Formula AE.
In fact, the chassis will be constructed from lightweight aluminium and super strong steel in a Formula 1-style monocoque shell. Rory Handel and Maxx Bricklinas from Beverly Hills, California designed the sleek motor of the car, and they expect the prototype to be completed in August.
"The Formula AE car embraces a rarely thought of alternative source of energy," the Telegraph quoted a RORMaxx spokesman as saying.
He said: "The target market would be the sports car, track day, eco-concerned auto-enthusiast. In addition, those enthusiasts who support and would want to promote the future development of revolutionary green technologies."
A compact fibre-optic probe developed for the space programme is proving itself as the first non-invasive early detection device for cataract, the leading cause of vision loss worldwide.
Researchers from the National Eye Institute (NEI), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) collaborated to develop a simple, safe eye test for measuring a protein related to cataract formation.
If subtle protein changes can be detected before a cataract develops, people may be able to avert the risk by cutting down exposure to sunlight, quitting smoking, stopping certain medications and controlling diabetes.
"By the time the eye's lens appears cloudy from a cataract, it is too late to reverse or medically treat this process," said Manuel B. Datiles III, NEI medical officer and co-author lead author of the clinical study.
"This technology can detect the earliest damage to lens proteins, triggering an early warning for cataract formation and blindness."
The new device is based on a laser light technique called dynamic light scattering (DLS). It was initially developed to analyse the growth of protein crystals in a zero-gravity space environment.
The DLS technique will now assist vision scientists in looking at long-term lens changes due to aging, smoking, diabetes, LASIK surgery, eye drops for treating glaucoma, and surgical removal of the vitreous gel within the eye, a procedure known to cause cataracts within six months to one year.
It may also help in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, in which an abnormal protein may be found in the lens. In addition, NASA researchers will continue to use the device to look at the impact of long-term space travel on the visual system.
NASA's Rafat R. Ansari, senior scientist at the John H. Glenn Research Centre and the study co-author, brought the technology's possible clinical applications to the attention of NEI vision researchers when he learned that his father's cataracts were caused by changes in lens proteins.
Several proteins are involved in cataract formation, but one known as alpha-crystallin serves as the eye's own anti-cataract molecule.
Alpha-crystallin binds to other proteins when they become damaged, thus preventing them from bunching together to form a cataract. However, humans are born with a fixed amount of alpha-crystallin, so if the supply becomes depleted due to radiation exposure, smoking, diabetes or other causes, a cataract can result.
"We have shown that this non-invasive technology that was developed for the space program can now be used to look at the early signs of protein damage due to oxidative stress, a key process involved in many medical conditions, including age-related cataract and diabetes, as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's," said Ansari.
"By understanding the role of protein changes in cataract formation, we can use the lens not just to look at eye disease, but also as a window into the whole body."
While nearby porn stars autographed action photos and flashed their assets for camera-clutching fans at the annual Adult Entertainment
Expo, Brett Drysdale discretely demonstrated “the newest breakthrough in sex technology”.
He slipped two fingers into a rocket-shaped RealTouch device “developed and tested by a former Nasa engineer” contains belts, lubrication jets, heating elements and other gadgetry programmed to give men the feeling of sex. One end of the canister-type devices sized to fit easily in one’s lap is made of soft “Haptic” synthetic material akin to that used for nipples of baby bottles. The faux-flesh wall is slotted to allow the insertion of a body part of a man’s choosing.
RealTouch devices connect to computers with USB cables and synchronize with adult movies streamed online so the inner workings replicate what a fellow might be feeling were he to be the man in the film. “You watch the action on a screen and a signal is sent to the box to simulate what is happening,” Drysdale said. A dual track of variegated rubber runs inside the unit, with a water-based lubricant reservoir making sure that none of your sacred parts catch on fire.
The device works with video from an online RealTouch “theater” at a price of $1 per minute. RealTouch is priced at $150 and begins selling in the US in February. RealTouch product manager Drysdale said on Sunday that it will be available internationally by mid-year.
Stanford University is launching a 100 million US dollar energy institute to fund research into batteries, solar cells and other aspects of green energy.
The California University has spawned technologies that led to the formation of companies like Hewlett Packard and Google, and the new institute is expected to boost the ability of Silicon Valley to become a world leader in green energy. The tech region already boasts a 500 million US dollar energy institute at the University of California at Berkeley.
"The biggest renewable resource is the sun," said Lynn Orr, who will direct the new institute, which was officially launched Monday night.
"But we need to lower the cost of converting sunlight into electricity and supplying it through a much improved electric grid. The new centre will allow us to expand significantly our effort to develop new nanostructure materials for solar energy and energy storage and to work on the host of social, market and policy issues involved in the needed transition to energy systems with significant fractions of renewable."
Venture capitalist John Doerr, who launched companies like Apple, Sun and Google, said the institute would help turn Silicon Valley into Solar Valley. Already there were 200 start-ups in the region concentrating on solar energy, he said.
"Batteries are the holy grail of renewable energy and the US isn't even in the battery race," said Doerr. "We are not doing enough research," he said. "The Internet is a trillion-dollar economy and energy is a $6-trillion economy - it could be the largest economic opportunity of the 21st century."